Hamas Israel Ceasefire and Daniel 9:27

1 month ago

“Bringing you news and analysis of world events in light of Bible prophecy.”

This is a mandate of the Continuing Church of God.

Peace at Last! Peace at Last!
World News Item: Hamas and Israel have agreed to a ceasefire!
But will this ceasefire really bring about peace in the mid-east?

There are three phases to the ceasefire agreement.
Is it possible that both Israel and Hamas will abide by the conditions set forth in all three phases?
Would their past performance be any indication of their future performance?

Dr. Thiel sheds the light of Bible prophecy on these world events in addition to giving us insight into a future peace deal spoken of in the book of Daniel. A peace deal between the King of the North and the King of the South. Will that peace deal result in peace?

If the cease fire between Hamas and Israel and the peace deal between the Kings of the North and South don’t bring about peace – what will?

The answer is partially revealed in this video and more fully explained in the corresponding full article.

Read the full article to this video titled ' Hamas-Israel ceasefire and Daniel 9:27' at URL https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/hamas-israel-ceasefire-and-daniel-927/

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