LA Fires, the Judgment of God, and the Light of God's Word

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Sermon by Pastor Matt Trewhella
I remember the following year in 1994 – the massive earthquake that hit the San Fernando Valley in California (which btw is also in LA County). The epicenter was Northridge which is in the San Fernando Valley which happened to be the porn capital of America at that time – the whole Valley was part of it - over 80% of all the porn made and distributed in America came from the San Fernando Valley.

And that was being pointed out in the news [New York Times article]. And yet – there were the churchmen and Christians thinking they are defending God by assuring everyone that God had nothing to do with this devastating earthquake.

I remember watching a porn king being interviewed on the news – and he was told what the ministers were saying – that this is not God’s doing. He responded by starting with a light chuckle and then said – ‘they can say what they want but those of us in the porn industry know it was God’s judgment upon us. We are talking and we all view it as the finger of God upon our evil.’

If you:
1. Cannot believe that God still uses natural disasters as a form of judgment…
2. Would rather see the unrepentant wicked maintain control and wealth than see God’s earthly judgment bring them to their knees…
3. Cannot see the extent of the wickedness that has gone on for generations in the “great American cities…”
4. Are more concerned about making the wicked feel that you’re a nice person than about making them understand the reality of their sin and its consequences…
5. Have a negative reaction towards those who rejoice in God’s unwillingness to allow rampant wickedness to go on forever…
6. Do not believe that God tears down wicked cities and builds righteous cities up…
7. Are quick to anger when people express any positive emotion or humor when God’s enemies are laid low…
8. Look back longingly at places where you were supposed to shake the dust off of your feet and not return…
9. Condemn those who call out unrepentant, generational sin…
10. Believe that God changed somewhere along the line between the time of ancient Israel until now…
Your worldview is skewed and needs a corrective lens.

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