2 months ago

In this video, Franklin Graham tells you that "The Bible is god's word from cover to cover, every word is true. Do I understand it all? NO, BUT I BELIEVE IT ALL" and then he proceeds to tell you EXACLTY what part of the Bible he does not understand, which is the claim that God SUICIDED HIMSELF TO WIPE AWAY OUR SINS, so that we can go to heaven even when we are the biggest satanic sinners on earth. NOT EVEN FRANKLIN GRAHAM understands how or why god would SUICIDE HIMSELF TO ABSOLVE US OF PUNISHMENT FOR OUR SINS, but as long as God "manifested in the body of a white-skinned male" when he committed suicide? Mr. white skinned male, Franklin Graham, WILL BELIEVE IT ALL, EVEN IF IT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO LOGICAL SENSE WHATSOEVER. God cannot be killed. God does not commit "suicide by cop." YOU SIN, YOU GET PUNISHED BY GOD, just as the Judeo-Muslims told you. In Islam, you are not a true Muslim, unless and until you UNDERSTAND IT ALL. Do not follow Islam, UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND IT ALL. We don't want fake Muslims in our ranks. Christianity is the religion of "BLIND FAITH" which demands you believe in things THAT ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND, AND WHICH MAKE NO LOGICAL SENSE. In Islam, there is only LOGICAL FAITH, where god asks you to believe in something that makes logical sense. The QURAN is god's word, from cover to cover, and it is logical enough THAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT ALL, BEFORE BEING ASKED TO BELIEVE IT ALL.

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