The mouth of a Dragon | This is venom against Lies |The star Sign at christ birth

13 days ago

What about the Sign of the Son of Man at his birth, would not it be the same as the Sign at the end? Duh? The sign of the son of man. The morning star? Yes no? Faker christians cannot add it up either can you? Fake Christian Scientology losers.

Naturally I am full of wrath, and anger, at lies and evil of this earth, but I have been forced to hold it back by these rotten censors right? They won't let me be my natural self, as they go on calmly lying politely. But sometimes my wrath is so much I cannot hold it in anymore. These are what these liars want me to be, they want to control my natural emotion as well, and daddy me with that also. These blind liars who myopic behind their computer screens with their short sighted judgement. Then they judge whether my words can be allowed on the internet or not. Mere words. Sticks and stones. Can you believe these snotty brats?
What are star really? Does the snotty brat blind scientist even know? He is blind. His spirit has cursed his eyes. Right True Christians? Can you see like me, do you have 20/20 vision like me? These are the only ones I want.
I am not here to speak to the blind. But only the seeing. Sorry the truth offends you those who the spirit has cursed. And you want to hide that it is your spirit that nourishes your body. Sorry you are that way. And live in lies hey.
Wearing a mask is fear as wisdom? Would Christ wear a mask? no? You see scientists are fear spiders, weak little boys in old man bodies. And they deserve the Dragon of our mouths, and a put down. Little snotty brats putting on "i know it all" tones of voices.
Because I hate lies, and I hate the lies of the scientists. And if they are going to speak lies constantly, I am going to hate them. If people are going to deceive the nations day and night, and mislead them from the Gospel truth, I am going to be wrathful at them. Then they will in turn judge me, the ones who ought be judged. They are my enemy from the beginning, the scientists.

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