Cookie Truffles Recipe by Food Fusion

8 hours ago

Food Fusion offers a delightful recipe for Cookie Truffles, combining the rich flavors of cookies and chocolate. Here's how you can make them at home:

- 18-20 cookies of your choice
- 120g semi-sweet dark chocolate, grated
- 80ml cream
- 150g dark chocolate, grated (for coating)
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- Melted white chocolate (for drizzling)

1. **Crush Cookies:** In a chopper, add the cookies and chop until finely crumbled. Set aside.
2. **Prepare Chocolate Mixture:** In a bowl, combine 120g grated dark chocolate and cream. Microwave for one minute, then mix until smooth.
3. **Combine:** Add the crumbled cookies to the chocolate mixture and mix until well combined.
4. **Form Balls:** Take approximately 35g of the mixture and shape it into a ball. Repeat to make equal-sized balls.
5. **Prepare Coating:** In another bowl, combine 150g grated dark chocolate and coconut oil. Microwave for one minute, then mix until smooth.
6. **Coat Truffles:** Dip each cookie ball into the melted chocolate coating and place them on a tray. Let them set for about 15 minutes.
7. **Decorate:** Drizzle melted white chocolate over the truffles and decorate as desired. Refrigerate until fully set.

This recipe yields approximately 12 truffles.

For more detailed instructions and a video demonstration, you can visit Food Fusion's official recipe page:

[Cookie Truffles Recipe by Food Fusion](

Enjoy making these delectable Cookie Truffles at home!

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