JUAN O SAVIN- WAR by other means - NINO 1 19 2025

1 month ago

The Ambiguity and Complexity of the Information Space
Juan and Nino discuss some rather perplexing reactions to making this world a better place to live. Is this a "brain washing" or a "programing" that you don't realize can morph into physical reality? Or is it just a common side effect of the INTERNET of THINGS.
Central to 5GW is the use of the information space to wage battles that transcend borders and conventional boundaries. While physical warfare is characterized by its tangible outcomes, 5GW operates in a realm of ambiguity, where information is both a weapon and a shield. The internet, social media, and other communication platforms serve as the theater where narratives are crafted, disseminated, and weaponized.
Many are rather "old school" and don't have a place to put these complex and complicated Narratives. You see them everywhere! But if you have a choice don't watch them and their deranged ideas.. it makes you want to turn green.. and puke.
Juan defers to the Bible and clear cut examples like....
The Book of Esther is the 17th book of the Old Testament in the Bible. It tells the story of Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai saving the Jewish people from a massacre.
Jonah was a prophet who was sent by God to Nineveh to warn the city of its impending destruction. Jonah's message was one of repentance and forgiveness, and the people of Nineveh responded by turning away from evil and asking God for mercy.
The Handwriting on the Wall of Daniel 5:5–31. The story is about a mysterious hand that writes on a palace wall, warning King Belshazzar of his impending overthrow.
And the “You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting” is a phrase from the Bible, Daniel 5:27.
But when we stand back and look at this event that 80% of the Country thinks is a VERY GOOD THING.. the election of Donald Trump as our 47th President.. there are STILL crazy people out there that don't "GET IT". They can perhaps come to their senses. Or not. Until then focus on what is real.. what is tangible and what PLEASES you. And it won't be what you do with your time on the INTERNETS.. that IS NOT REAL.
Great Prayer at the End. Have FAITH. PRAY. It will be alright.
Scroll was at Telegram https://t.me/JUANOSAVIN107
Also see Juan's X.com channel for updates tomorrow on the moving of the venue for Trumps inauguration to another secure location.

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