Funday Sunday-Sheni, Dig, Chat

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Ok, so it's Sunday. We are friends that just hang out and chat, and allow anyone who is kind and wanting to join to type in their thoughts in chat with us.
Opinions are a plenty and Sheni has enough, Digger will keep her in a little check with actual facts, and chat will just encourage us both the leave the ranch. bahahahah
We are just for fun. So if you are about the drama or the hate this isn't the pasture for you, as these heifers and bull-calves can conjure up their own without any help.
Let's just enjoy enjoy enjoy.
We may play games, or look things up on the internet, but the one thing we won't do... is be quiet for too long. You can put MONEY on THAT!
Let's have fun...
Get this party going.

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