My stalkers: This is for stupids. More traps too

3 days ago

Oh, they try so f****** hard. It's so sad. i had fun thank you.

She also gives herself away on how she leaves traps.. what it really is is she taunts us so much she knows that we're gonna react back. Thats the trap. At least she admits it in more than one occasions.

Don't worry, michelle.I was just having a good couple of days. this will go private.

I'll leave it open for a little bit and then I'll put it private.

All I care about recording.Anyway, is your threads and your doxing. everything else is garbage.

And you can cry all you want about me. Stealing your content.I promise you I have google backup. and I have everything backed up all the way to year 2023.. and how most of the pictures that I have or screenshots. I have are actually repeating. also proof where even found them.

I know that you see me doing some screenshots in one of the videos about brian's sister. write that on purpose. it's not like I needed them screenshots or needed any information about her at all. lol

And Holly, if you're reading this, be careful what you say on the voice messenger in my text messaging. it's not making you look very good.
Uh, don't worry like I said. I promised your daughter and i'm trying my best to keep my promise. even though you're doing everything you can to push my buttons behind your daughter's back.

Holly, do not sit there and say that i'm creating another hannah. number one I never created a hannah, or had hannah move against her own mother.

And if you have any issues with your daughter, that is on you, not me. Same with Michelle . also, can you try and find your own reason to be hating on me And not use someone else's reason to come and hate on me. you know that's like stealing content, lol Thank you.

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