Hollywood fires: I see the idol in the films.

2 days ago

The glory of Yahweh and the name and works of His son, has done this.

see the idol in films main video:

on youtube:
see the spider in Films and MEDIA.

on Rumble:

see the same idol on the Crown of the Pope:


New viewers will need see the brick video first:


That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Yahshua messiah (the Lord Jesus), and shalt believe in thine heart that Elohim (God) hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. - Romans 10:9
Lord Jesus is Yahshua the messiah in Hebrew and is a 'son of man'. Yahweh is not a 'son of man' (or a man) - Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9 and the title 'God' is Inanna where you see Roman Columns.

John 17.3 - No Trinity required

Freemason and others - Trinity is required (even to rule the Na8tions) - we are called out of the world and are safe because of Yahshua.

the idol is anti-messiah. The body of messiah will give us more answers - hear the messengers to come, but not those that teach Trinity (and her no.8) nor fear them - they were all wrong about Trump, for this purpose.

Jesus is Ba'al? No, but is mix worship and idolatry where the Church agrees with Vatican City. Main signs: Easter, 8th day Sunday Sabbath, 8th day Jesus and Trinity.

for the protection and perfection of the saints.

Praise Yah.


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