Sex Change Regret

22 days ago

Of all the social struggles we are experiencing in the world today, perhaps none has done more damage than the insidious lie that a person’s biological sex can be altered through hormones and surgery. My guest today can speak to the tragedy of this social contagion with authority and compassion—because he was a victim of this ideology himself. Walt Heyer joins me to shine a bright light into the dark world of “transgenderism” and share his powerful story of redemption and recovery from childhood grooming and trauma. Walt courageously shares his heartache and the regret he lives with because he underwent sex “reassignment” surgery and lived as a woman for 8 years. We’ll talk about why we must stop using language that normalizes scenarios that aren’t even physically possible. This is a powerful interview that you will want to share—because it’s a story of the hope and healing that’s available in Christ.

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