Quick metal detecting hunt in Western New York - found ALL types of hidden treasure!

1 month ago

I went out to a local public park to check it out and metal detect to enjoy being outside in the nice weather today.

Midway through my hunt an old man who lived in the neighborhood came up and started talking about a ring he lost in his backyard a year and a half ago.

He asked if I'd be willing to try searching for it, which I was more than happy to do as he lived very close to the park I was hunting. It only took about 30 seconds of swinging to find a SOLID 15 signal on my Minelab Equinox 800. I dug down about 6" and out popped this CHUNKY gold and diamond ring!

He was kind enough to let me film a clip of the ring coming out of the ground and he tipped me for my time. I gave him a few of my Underground Metal Detecting business cards and told him to have anyone else who needs some detecting work done to contact me - and then I made my way back to the park.

Many surprising coin spills and lost trinkets were found throughout the section of park and walking trails I covered.

Hope you enjoy today's video!

As always, check out the great deals on ALL the big name brands for metal detecting and prospecting gear we have available from our partners at High Plains Prospectors here:


#Minelab #Equinox800 #UndergroundMetalDetecting
#WNY #NewYork #metaldetecting #Buffalo #gold #18kgold #rings

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