A Civil Society Part 5 – Deut. Chpt. 25

1 month ago

Today's text brings us to the end of Moses rapid-fire civil laws. And in fact, the last part of the chapter is completely divorced from the rest of the civil laws. We have seen some interesting this along the way; things seem foreign to us because of our cultural disconnect. Expect more of the same today. As we go through today's text. I want you to keep two things in mind:

• In general, the need for civil law is directly related to man's sinful nature. The laws help maintain an orderly society. Without them we would have chaos – every man doing what is right in his own eyes, as Judges puts it.

• God had a second reason: he wanted his people to be different. He wanted them to be peculiar; to stand out among all the other nations. For what purpose? To declare his name in the earth.

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