Politico: The Women's March Is Back … But Not With The Original Organizers

12 days ago

Posted • January 18, 2025: It's been a while since this editor has written about "pussy hats," but apparently some participants in the 2017 Women's March held on to their hand-crocheted pink hats. Pink hats seem to be the preferred attire for protesting President-elect Donald Trump's second inauguration. -- People swarm DC, wear pink hats to protest Trump on the eve of the inauguration. And liberals are making fun of Trump moving the inauguration indoors because he can't draw a crowd. These nuts are out in the cold on Saturday … maybe they didn't get the memo that the inauguration is on Monday. We remember the 2017 Women's March, the one where Madonna said she wanted to blow up the White House. There have been Women's Marches annually ever since, but POLITICO notes that the 2025 version will be missing a lot of the original organizers. -- POLITICO @politico: “The Women’s March is back — but many of its original organizers won’t be.”

Do you mean the rabidly anti-Semitic ones like Linda Sarsour? That's a shame. POLITICO reports on how the Women's March lost steam: The smaller, quieter march is a reflection of the muted exasperation and a likely symptom of political fatigue that has settled in among anti-Trump forces that were once the driving force of American politics. Democrats are wondering how to reassemble a winning coalition that was once organized around opposition, with many pondering if they should just find a way to work with the figure they once called a threat to democracy itself. … When asked why she’s forgoing protesting this time around, [Vanessa] Wruble said she’s “not that type of progressive anymore” frustrated at what she views as a political left that is “completely cannibalizing itself.” -- This is just an amazing sentence: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GhlUxnUXoAA31jI?format=jpg&name=medium -- She's not just a crazy cat lady … she has a whole animal sanctuary.

Now that the Equal Rights Amendment is part of the Constitution why do we need a women’s march? Touché. -- But this time it’s been upgraded with men pretending to be women. Are we sure they are women though? These Amazon warriors have decided to allow men to participate, rebranding it as "The People's March." I bet they can't even define what a woman is. 🤔 Democrats are already working hard at losing future elections. 😂 People are done with these retards. I was worried Democrats learned their lesson. I'm glad to see they're proving me wrong. I look forward to the entertainment. -- Translation: the dark money to bus these losers in finally dried up. The grift is hanging on for dear life. Unproductive people are desperate. Reminder that the original organizers were a gaggle of screeching, far-left, America-hating antisemites who didn't give a sh*t about women. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/16/us/womens-march-anti-semitism.html -- Clown show. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Politico: The Women’s March Is Back … But Not With the Original Organizers
Politico: How the Women’s March lost steam

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