Dr. Suzanne Humphries: When the polio vaccine was implemented, paralytic incidents went up by 50%

5 hours ago

Dr. Suzanne Humphries Exposes the Polio Vaccine Scandal: A Shocking Legacy of Lies, Live Virus, and Limb Loss in the 1950s
"And and that's exactly what happened with the polio issue back in the 1950s when the actual fact, if you would look at the data and read what some other doctors were saying back then, is that the paralytic, incidents went up by 50%, the the the 1st year that the polio vaccine was implemented.

"And there was a good reason for that because there was so much live virus in that vaccine, because they the the vaccine that was released was not the same vaccine that was trialed, just like with COVID. They took the mercury out of it, which seemed like a good thing, because mercury is so toxic, but what it enabled because Salk realized that the antigenicity of the trial vaccine wasn't good enough, so he took the mercury out so that there wouldn't be quite as quite as much, killing off of of virus."

"He wanted more to be more antigenic. And, so what happened as a result was that they had more live viruses, and then they couldn't make that problem go away, so they started filtering, the vaccine. And they filtered it down to the point where it was basically just water."

"There was there was really not much antigenicity at all left in the vaccine after all the filtration. And, you know, the Swedes had a lot of interesting things to say about it because they were the Swedes and the Germans were actually looking at what happened in America and and and tracking the data."

"And and the other thing about sound bites and and PR campaigns, a lot of people don't realize that the Francis trial, was a huge trial that looked at some half a 1000000 children, in America. It was a poorly designed trial, but it was very large, and it was it was, there was a lot of power behind it, a lot of money behind it. The results of the Francis trial weren't released to, to doctors until 2 years after the completion."

"So the vaccine was already implemented. It was created by several different companies and deployed all throughout, you know, the United States. But even worse is that the licensing procedure was was horrific in that, a a few doctors were gathered in Washington DC for one day. It was a Friday, and they felt very uncomfortable about licensing the vaccine because they didn't feel that they were given sufficient information. But the powers that be put pressure on them and said, well, if you don't license it today, we have to stay over through the weekend."

"And most of them traveled pretty far to get there, and, the consensus was that they didn't wanna have to stay throughout the weekend. They still weren't gonna get any more information if they stayed throughout the weekend. So the pressure was put upon them, and they just licensed the vaccine. And and so it's not just about sound bites. It was about pressure that was put on the advisers that designed the statistics for the trial."

"There were people that argued with the, the logic of it back in the time, and anyone who disagreed with it was let go. And then they eventually had a very agreeable, you know, advisory panel for the study. So it was manipulated from start to finish, but the PR was was was second to none."

"And that's that's why we have this idea today that we no longer have polio so that they can start throwing these darts at Robert Kennedy and saying he's an anti- vaxxer, which he's not, and saying that he wants to get you know, bring polio back, which, of course, he wouldn't want to. But it's really just because people are so ignorant and because they don't see these little kids hopping around anymore with with short limbs."

"And that's also because people don't realize why children had short limbs back in that day, and it was, again, an old story because of the medical treatments at the time is what was causing those short limbs. It wasn't the actual poliovirus per se that was causing this problem."

See also:
Dr. Suzanne Humphries Lecture on Vaccines and Health (3parts)

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