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Mike Balloun teaches today. 01-18-25

Genesis Chapters 36-37 The Lukewarm Church Typed in Esau

VERSES: Genesis 37; Galatians 5:22; Hebrews 1:8-9

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The sin of Esau (the father of the Edomites) was profaneness… bartering the blessing of Abraham that included being the lineage from which the Promised Seed would come… trading spiritual things for carnal things. Profaneness is a sin against God. It’s the treating of something sacred with irreverence or disrespect. The redeemed heart of which is unsurrendered self-centeredness; forgoing any faith walk in God (faith is one thing; walking in the faith is another… walking in the faith is having true koinonia/fellowship with Him). The redeemed person who is profane is he who sells those things he has been given, that are invaluable, for cheap.

A foundational truth seen in the New Testament is that we redeemed in Jesus have been made First Born Sons of God, destined for the heavenly realm as the Bride of Christ; the Calling unto a higher standing than Esau. Esau’s critical trying circumstance that lead to his demise happened because of his determined unrighteous way of thinking. He had not nurtured the reality of the Truth that had been set before him all his life of the Covenant promises which he was in line to receive. He let his circumstances be more real than the Truth of the promises of God. Unlike Esau, we are to know who we are. We are to identify as citizens of a heavenly Nation… one that is exempt from the laws here on Earth. We are under the law of the Nation of the New Man… under the ‘Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.’ That law being love. We are to judge all our thoughts and actions according to love. (Galatians 5:22… “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”)

The Book of Hebrews Chapter 12 brings Esau’s sin forward and applies it to the New Testament believer. The vital understanding is that we like Esau, may allow circumstances in life to speak louder than Truth. We may, like Esau, believe inheritance-stealing lies that corrupt and callous our way of thinking and believing. Disguised lies, being either secular or religious ways of thinking that seem right that are used as seemingly legitimate excuses that stop faith and righteousness in our souls (such as ‘No one is perfect.’ … ‘Everyone does that.’). Our faithless actions are then justifiable in our own eyes which have been darkened by the World… ‘There is a way of thinking that seemeth right to man, but the way leads to death.’ (Proverbs 16:25) Instead of excusing our behavior, we are to surrender and renew our mind to the Word of God. That purpose of the renewing of our minds is to be transformed into Christlikeness. Christlikeness brings back the Image of God on the Earth.

Romans 12:1-2… The unrenewed mind to the Truth is the playground of the devil. We don’t pick our playpals if we don’t recognize who they are. We redeemed too often have a ‘herd’ mentality, like the marvelously redeemed Israelites standing on the far bank rejoicing in faith, but shortly after that redemption their thinking was ‘following God in the faith walk is just asking too much of them’… The New Testament merely redeemed person (believing way less than who they are in God’s calling), being then weak in the faith walk, has the same mentality (wrong thinking) as those Israelites who asked, ’What shall we eat? What shall we drink? We are grasshoppers!’

When anxiety and fear rise up in life’s circumstances and lying vanities are heeded, they become our reality, and faith and grace stops. We cover our light and our soul remains in that self-centered darkness, which always will stop us from growing in faith and therefore disabling us from walking in the faith, where the promises of God of our eternal inheritance in Christ may be realized. (2nd Timothy 4:7-8… “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”)

We see in Genesis 36:6, Esau determines to leave the Promised Land and the face of his brother Jacob, and travels southeast to the modern-day land of Jordan. There his worldly kingdom in the lesser one blessing is established. We hear no more about Esau personally. (Note that Esau’s minor blessing was a blessing relating to only earthly things, which pass away.)

“Esau he was Edom” (Genesis 36:8)....

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