1 month ago

DRAKES NOT LIKE US LAWSUIT about being DEFAMED or EGO being DESTROYED beyond recognition?

Drake’s Latest Lawsuit Isn’t Hip-Hop. The Toronto rapper is already losing in the court of public opinion. Rap X (Twitter) was sent into a frenzy when news of Drake withdrawing his legal action accusing his label UMG and Spotify of using bots and payola to push Kendrick Lamar’s “Not Like Us” diss track to one of the biggest songs in the world. Social media lawyers simultaneously claimed victory and defeat, but little did they know he was clearing the way for something more serious and ridiculous (depending on who you ask).

Then, news broke that the Toronto POPstar decided to file a straight-up defamation lawsuit against his current and longtime parent record company, Universal Music Group. Drake claims UMG benefited and helped promote a “false and malicious narrative” and chose “corporate greed over the safety and well-being of its artists.”

TRUE HIPHOP FANS CAN SEE CLEARLY THIS MAN'S EGO TOOK A BEATING! If Aubery (Drake) won the Rap Battle, there would be no lawsuit right now. Unfortunately the POPstar seems to be a narcissist bully who's fragile EGO couldn't take his very public humiliating LOSS!

#Drake #Kendrick #Lawsuit #KendrickLamar #RapBeef #RapBattle #DrakeKendrick

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