How I Make $100,000 Per Month on Skool

16 days ago

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Everything in one place

Give your customers a better home. Simplify your life.
Everything you need with 1-login, 1-profile, and 1-search.

🤝 Community
Group discussion happens here. Posts, comments, categories, likes, mentions, photos, videos, GIFs, polls, real-time interactions, and notifications. Your engagement will increase.
🏫 Classroom
Put your courses in the same place as your community. Courses, pages, videos, resources, searchable transcripts, and progress tracking. Your completion rates will increase.
📅 Calendar
Schedule your group events here. Members will see everything in their local timezone and get reminder emails. Scheduling livestreams, etc., is easy. Your attendance will increase.
🎮 Gamification
Make your group fun with points, levels, and rewards. Personalize your group by naming your levels. Incentivize engagement by unlocking courses at higher levels.
📧 Email broadcasts
Email broadcast to all members with 1-click. Write a post, click a button, and the post sends to all your members via email. No segmenting lists, tags, or formatting — it just works.
💬 Chat, notifications, and profiles
Chat with members, follow interesting posts, get notifications in-app and via email, tune your preferences, and get email digests of popular posts. Use 1-profile for all the groups you’re in.
🔍 Search
Search posts, comments, course content, and members — with a single search box. Like yoga? Find all group discussions, course content, and members who mentioned “yoga.”
📊 Metrics
Monitor the health of your community with a single dashboard and a few key metrics. Track growth, engagement, and progress at the group or member level. See how engaging Skool is!
💰 Auto affiliate
If one of your members creates a Skool group, we’ll pay you 40% of their monthly subscription — automatically. This makes Skool an income stream, not a cost. All you need to do is use it.
🏆 Skool Games
Build your business, win prizes, make friends, and have fun. Win 1-day with Alex Hormozi. Everybody who gets 3 members will unlock the 1-day with Hormozi event recordings.
14-Days Skool Free Trial:

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