The 6 million Jews died in the camps narrative is false

1 month ago

Officials from the international Red Cross visited the Concentration Camps regularly. They noted that about 271k-300k people died of disease. 🦠They also note that the camps were not exclusive to Jews.

Officials from the International Red Cross visited the camps regularly and had complete access to the camps, documented everything and estimated the total dead from all the camps to be around 271,000 to 290,000. About half of these dead were Jewish (135-140K).
So, we are now talking about some 150 to 200,000 Jews that died in the German camps, primarily of disease. In the 1,650 page Red Cross report, there was never a mention of any gas chambers. There basically were four categories interned during the war.
• Poles
• Jews
• Russians and
• Political prisoners, sometimes alluded to as Germans.
Jews made up less than 40% of Auschwitz, only around 12% of Dachau and only around 30% of Buchenwald.

In the 1990s and those give you a total what is it 29,000 Jews die in Auschwitz throughout the World War II. You've got somewhat more Catholics who died. You've got more Catholics than Jews dying in Auschwitz.

And if you want to say “Oh there's some missing data there, that some Jews who died were not registered and so on, well, you can say, at very most 40,000 Jews died at Auschwitz. I won't allow it to go any higher than that. And that is a hundred times less, than the four million plaque at Birkenau after the war. So, it's put that totally absurd figure.

The number of dead at Auschwitz was revised in 1989 from 4.1 million down to 1 million to never even assert as homicidal gas chambers.

Number of dead at Majdanek was revised in 2005 from 2 million to 78,000.
But somehow, the official account of 6 million dead remained unchanged.
So, what is 6 million, minus 4 million, minus 2 million? The Holocaust is the only claimed genocide where millions can be reduced from the total claim to be killed, but the total figure always remains 6 million.

Several sources including the World Almanac, Red Cross documentation, the New York Times and the Chambers Encyclopedia shows that the Jewish population recorded does not reflect the testimonials given on the Holocaust.

The Jewish World Almanac has been regarded as the absolute most authentic and trustworthy source for the world's Jewish population numbers. And according to the World Almanac, the world population of Jews increased between 1933 and 1948, from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000.

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