Visiting The Third Heaven. Is It Even Possible Today?

1 month ago

Is it possible to go to Heaven and return to Earth? Well, what does the Bible say?

What about all these people who claim they have been to Heaven, either through a near-death experience or some other type of out of body experience? The ones who are selling books, movies, etc about their supposed visit? Did they really get a tour of #Heaven or are they con artists making money off the gullible? Well, what does the Bible say?

A VOICE CRYING IN THE DESERT Missions Outreach Ministry Presents:


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Visiting The Third Heaven. Is It Possible?

Our decision on whether or not something is true should always be based on studying the Bible in context. But, sadly, that seems to rarely be the case. Today, let’s do that.

The first thing we see is that, yes, someone went from Earth to the Third Heaven and then returned. Because God is the same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, that means we know it is possible today. But that does not mean it is guaranteed. Nor does it mean that just anyone is going to be given the Blessing of seeing Heaven and being allowed to return to Earth to speak of it. The second thing we learn from studying the Word in Context is that when God does something such as this it has a purpose. What is that purpose and how do we tell if something is real?

Let’s discuss that in today’s Conversation With The Evangelist. Look at what Paul meant by “The Third Heaven” and what this passage actually means. Understand how all of this will play out in these Last Days.

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#Heavenlyvisions, #GodsThroneRoom, #ThirdHeaven, #GardenofEden, #NewJerusalem, #2Corinthians2:12, #SpiritualExperience, #EncounteringGod, #JourneytoHeaven, #OutofBodyExperience, #falseprophets, #faith, #faithintroubledtimes, #Onlinesermon, #outreach,#outreachministry, #evangelism, #evangelist, #Missions, #missionaries, #spreadHisLove, #faithjourney

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