The Nephilim: Did Fallen Angels Have Sex With Women? Steve Gregg Answers 2 Calls on The Narrow Path

1 month ago

Does the Bible teach that the Nephilim were the offspring of angels and women? Or were they simply the children of men and women (only much taller)? Who were the sons of God mentioned in Genesis 6:4? Were they the angels who supposedly fathered the Nephilim? And who were those heroes of old? These were questions from a caller to The Narrow Path radio program, hosted by Bible teacher Steve Gregg.

Call-in at (844) 484-5737 to The Narrow Path daily radio program, which is hosted by Steve Gregg. Steve takes calls and answers bible questions and questions related to the Christian faith Weekdays from 2-3 pm PT/ 5-6 pm ET. Listen live at, or Archived programs also available at all three locations.
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