Prophets Speak: President Trump Targeted Amid Rising Terror Threats!

1 month ago

Get ready for a shocking revelation! Brandon Biggs predicted Trump's darkest hour, and you won't believe what he had to say. From politics to prophecy, Brandon's words are sending shockwaves across the nation. Was Trump's darkest hour inevitable, or could it have been prevented? Dive into the world of politics and prophecy as we explore Brandon Biggs' stunning prediction. Trump's presidency was marked by controversy and drama, but did Brandon Biggs see it all coming? Terrorist attacks? Earthquakes? Watch to find out!

My Setup:
Lumix S5ii w/ 20-60 S Lens
Shure SM7B Microphone w/ Cloudlifter
Rodercaster Duo
Elgato CamLink 4K
OBS Studio
Neewer Bi Color 660 LED Light
Neewer LED Light Panel Softbox for 660

#trump #terror #latestnews #news #inauguration #disaster #brandonbiggs #prophecy
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