Marathon Mindset

1 month ago

Are you good at setting and achieving your goals? Does goal setting even work for you? If not, then let me introduce you to a different way of thinking and acting. While I am sure this is not a new concept, this is a different mindset from what normal teachings try to get people to focus on, so they could achieve what they wanted in life or in their career. I call this the Marathon Mindset. This has helped me visualize the path I was on and the different aspects of my life and career that I needed to achieve. The 7 core basic fundamentals of this are 1) Mental Training, 2) Focus, 3) Discipline, 4)Patience, 5) Mental Toughness, 6) Refueling and 7) Course Correction.
Hopefully, for those of you who are not as good, or not as fond of goal setting, the Marathon Mindset will give you another tool for your tool bag and might help you achieve things on your life or career path that you have never been able to achieve before.

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