Chinese Drone Company DJI Took Off Their Geofencing

1 month ago

01/17/2025 John Mills @ColonelRETJohn2, retired U.S. Army Colonel, on Bannon’s War Room: It’s very disturbing that the Chinese drone company DJI took off their geofencing. Because now you can fly your DJI drone over sensitive sites like the White House and military bases. An ungoverned space in northern Mexico is now a fentanyl production base overseen by the CCP special operators, and we need to crack down on it as a warning to others.
#DJI #drone #geofencing #fentanyl #Mexico #CCP #takedownccp
01/17/2025 美军退役上校约翰‧米尔斯作客班农《战斗室》:中共国无人机公司大疆取消其“地理围栏”限制令人深感不安,因为人们可以操控其无人机飞越白宫和军事基地等敏感地点。墨西哥北部一个无人管辖的区域现在成了由中共特种部队人员监管的芬太尼生产基地,我们需要予以打击,从而以儆效尤。
#大疆 #无人机 #地理围栏 #芬太尼 #墨西哥 #中共 #消灭中共

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