NVMMVS: D N IVL NE POS P F AVG + COMOB (~475 A.D.) #ProVaticanus

1 month ago

NVMMVS: D N IVL NE POS P F AVG + COMOB (~475 A.D.) #ProVaticanus

Julius Nepos, Western Roman Empire (AD 474-75/80). AV tremissis (12mm, 1.40 gm, 6h). NGC AU 4/5 - 4/5, scratch. Rome, AD 474-475. D N IVL NE-POS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Julius Nepos right, seen from front / Cross within wreath, medallion at top, COMOB below. RIC X 3211. Lacam 67. Ex F. Martin Post Collection; Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 13 (1996), lot 596.

Script: Latin

Lettering: D N IVL NE POS P F AVG

Unabridged legend: Dominus Noster Julius Nepos Pius Felix Augustus

Translation: Our Lord Julius Nepos, Pious and Blessed August

COMOB is a late Roman - Byzantine mintmark abbreviating the Latin, Comitatus Obryziacum. COMOB was originally a mintmark for the comitatensian mint, the imperial court mint that followed the emperor, opened under Gratian. When that mint settled down in Rome and other Western mints were opened, other mint marks were added in the field: RM for Rome, MD for Milan, RV for Ravenna, and AR for Arles. In the east they changed the mark in the exergue to indicate the mint: CONOB for CONstantinople and THESOB for THESalonica.



#Roma #JuliusNepos #SPQR


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