FLUFFIEST DONUTS EVER - Winter Edition 🍩❄️/How to Make BEST Donuts

3 days ago

Old recipe of fluffy homemade donuts you will see in this video🍩

Traditionally, we make them on Winter holidays, fill them with jam or chocolate and sprinkle with powdered sugar🎄

We put it in the center of the table in a hill way, they just like sayin you to take one more, and one more, and one more....🤤

Watch step by step recipe in this video👇

📍Pin ingredients below this description as usual

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See U next time❤️

200 g boiled potatoes
50 g boiling water
100 g sugar
1 egg
a pinch of salt
1 p vanilla sugar
100 g unsalted butter
20 g yeast
450-500 g all-purpose flour

oil for frying
icing sugar for powdering
apricot jam & chocolate paste for filling

200 g gekochte Kartoffeln
50 g kochendes Wasser
100 g Zucker
1 Ei
eine Prise Salz
1 P Vanillezucker
100 g ungesalzene Butter
20 g Hefe
450-500 g Allzweckmehl

Öl zum Frittieren
Puderzucker zum Bestäuben
Aprikosenkonfitüre und Schokoladenmasse für die Füllung

200 g de patatas cocidas
50 g de agua hirviendo
100 g de azúcar
1 huevo
una pizca de sal
1 p de azúcar vainillado
100 g de mantequilla sin sal
20 g de levadura
450-500 g de harina común

aceite para freír
azúcar glas para espolvorear
mermelada de albaricoque y pasta de chocolate para el relleno

#doughnutrecipe #howtomakedonuts #christmasrecipe #violetandkoikitchen #fluffydonuts #homemadedonuts

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