Melted Red brick kingdoms

1 month ago
Melted Matrix = MELTRIX
Meltology is the greatest discovery that shows us our true past history of a realm that is melted like a motherboard.
Meltology & the old world paradise are alternative history from like-minded, independent, intelligent minds across the melted realm (Meltrix) who have advanced in knowledge in every aspect in many fields, coming to the same conclusions with an awakening to the hard and disturbing truths of this place called 'Mother earth' (motherboard) (duality 'heart' space matrix) and brings one to know thyself in the deepest parts imaginable beyond all propaganda and deceptions from the inverted 'truth' and information from both MSM and the alternative MSM, known as the 'truther movement', that is always being controlled, especially the opposition of paid shills by the very same liars who conditioned the masses from birth to manipulate and prolong the inevitable return to 'oneness'.
Do not be led astray by ludicrous and fictional theories. Instead, see the hard facts and truth in plain sight: we live on a melted motherboard as data (the observer and creator) in a newer recoded version of the original paradise grid system. It reigned since the beginning for an eon until its inevitable self-destruction, leaving us in this post-apocalyptic brick wasteland. The survivors (Indians) and (super royalty elite) took over after the cataclysm (X-factor event) to create this new inverted way of life we live in now in the modern world, which is a short span 'reset era'. We devolved after that event but will inevitably ascend back into a higher state of being and become one once again in a century or so. Thus, this cycle of creation and destruction is the very experience we incarnate and exist for on an atomic spiritual level. You are the center of it all. This is your playground, both worlds at will. This is your game, and the world we think we live in now is merely a sim.
"No above plasma event, no mining, no mile-high dead titans, no religious dogma prophecy, and no giant stumps, and no 100-year resets; but it is, in fact, debunked! Undeniable. #Meltology has and will continue to debunk all such nonsense. It's a computer; it overloaded. An inevitable event when you reach the peak of advancement. This is a realm, a spiritual plane of experience. All is energy, and we are the data. Simple." #MELTOLOGY is hands down the biggest part of the puzzle and undoes all the lies of the century. See whats in plain sight and most importantly research.
Welcome to your melted inverted realm.

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