Apatros Review Ep-0125: Track of The Moon Beast [1972/6]

1 month ago

AR-0125: An obscure idea for a werewolf movie - that of a geologist getting whacked in the head by a piece of falling Moon rock, turning him into a nasty were-lizard [what's the technical terminology for such a creature? Asking for a friend...], who has to be stopped from defeating himself by his girlfriend with the kind of legs that possibly inspired that classic ZZ Top song, and a wise Native American professor who gets so many requests to name the ingredients of his special soup he gets weary reciting it...

Supposedly the creation of the REAL creator of Batman [Bill Finger], this obscure movie has had something of a reputational boost thanks to becoming an MST3K victim. Seen in its raw form, it is interesting enough, but duller than listening to that song the producers coerced out of a visiting band, "California Lady"...

...Hold on, that song is certified to break the Geneva Convention Article on irritating songs. Being the masochist I am I even have that song on CD...

...And I am not joking about that last part.

My Grade: D [Bad]

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