We don’t want Trump, we want Hitler.

12 days ago

OK, the Video title is not mine (although I agree) but from the Twitter/X account I got this video from. https://x.com/iamagoose69/status/1878965331068338209
Imagine if these were the only type of videos (With nice music) you saw of Adolf Hitler & the National Socialists of the 1930's since your birth and how you would view them differently today.
The Jewish Propaganda machine has done the absolute opposite brain washing the masses through their unsuspecting media outlets like Media & Hollywood movies telling us he was a Lunatic Mad Man who killed 6 Million Jews in fictitious Gas Chambers.
Researching the so called JEWISH HOLOCAUST should be the FIRST THING people do to find out what a HUGE EXAGGERATION from the truth it is (Just German Labor Camps) and then move onto REVISIONIST HISTORY like great WW2 Historian David Irving who wrote his first book in 1963 and has the documents.

Watching the 10 hour EUROPA series shouldn't be looked at as complete fact but just a starting point in someones research.

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