Witchcraft and the Devils Devices - Spiritual Security Lessons for Leaders

1 month ago

Tim interviews Troy Green. Troy is the founder of Northwest Life Center, a church in Elma WA and oversees the Elma House of Prayer. He's also a professional counselor and serves on KLI's Apostolic Council of Elders.

- Dr Rebecca Brown’s book, He Came to Set the Captives Free https://www.amazon.com/He-Came-Set-Captives-Free/dp/0883683237

- To Hell With Sarah: A Conflict With Satan https://a.co/d/jdgfYfW
- Freedom Encounters - https://www.freedomencounters.com/what-we-do/fe-personal-ministry-overview/

- Ex Satanist, High Ranking Warlock Meets Jesus https://youtu.be/dvQvEtw2Izg


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