Local lawmakers react to death of Sen. John McCain

6 years ago

Party leaders from northeast Wisconsin are expressing condolences over the passing of Senator John McCain. Both State Senator Robert Cowles and State Representative Amanda Stuck say McCain’s death is a sad moment for the nation. Both lawmakers say McCain’s ability to work with both political parties was one of his best attributes. Stuck and Cowles believe now, more than ever, both parties should try to work together, instead of against each other. The two lawmakers think McCain’s leadership is something both Democrats and Republicans should aspire to. "Some of the reasons why he was willing to work across the aisle because he wasn't afraid to tell his own party, ‘No, I don't agree with what you are doing’ or ‘I am not going to go along with what you are doing, I am willing to stand up and fight for what I believe in,’ and I think that is really important,” Sen. Stuck said. "There are so many things about the man that we could all emulate and I’m not sure anybody will ever reach his level,” said Rep. Cowles. “Because I think he was one of the greatest leaders of the last one hundred years." The two lawmakers saw McCain’s courage as a prisoner of war and U.S. Senator is inspirational. Stuck and Cowles say they will try to honor McCain’s legacy as best they can.

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