PGF LIVE: Make Gaming Great Again Tour + MacDaddy Takes on A GTAV Challenge

1 month ago

Welcome back to the PGF! TONIGHT we have the Rootin' Tootin' Titan, ButNustin, TheBigMacDaddyShow, and Johnny "The Mouth" Malone providing the best in online gameplay and entertainment. Our FFA Champion, Rootin' Tootin is playing Marvel Rivals to find the best of the best out there. ButNustin will be showing off his Rocket League skills to defend his title once again. Also, we have more GTA V duels, challenges, and missions for TBMDS and Johnny "The Mouth" Malone. Markus and Bouncin' Betty will be here as always to entertain you throughout the entire show. Don't miss this week's show and EVERY Friday night at 6pm MST!

We at the Professional Gamers Federation are COMING TO YOU LIVE on tonight's show! Tune in to watch the most epic e-sports gameplay LIVE with the PGF!

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