Emotions vs Evidence when discussing 9/11.

30 days ago

I encounter this on a daily basis when talking to people with regards to the events on 9/11.

It's similar to talking to people about COVID. COVID is easier, because it's just been the last 4 years, but having people revisit a traumatic event like 9/11, with all the disinformation peddled over 23 years, well that a completely different conversation.

The trauma is engrained so deep, that people do not want to admit they've been fooled for 23 years.

September 11, 2001 - An Essential Guide (2024)
Sept 11, 2001 has been and still is a 23 year long PSYOP.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/september-11-2001-an-essential-guide

Wikipedia's block listed 9/11 scientist.
Cancelled by Wikipedia for 14 years and counting.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/wikipedias-block-listed-911-scientist

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