SpaceShips, BIG Events and THOR. TAPE #16 of The Explorer Series

1 month ago

Explorers Tape 16 - Male-Female Principles Within the Self

0:00 Altered states of consciousness using binaural beats and neural oscillations
• Researchers use audio signals and biological data to explore unmapped areas of consciousness without drugs or electrical stimulation.
• Oscillations in non-physical body observed during binaural beat session.

9:27 Communication with non-physical entities
• Using "wake up" technique to clear mind and achieve altered state.
• Encountering a humanoid entity and being surprised by its response.
• Uncertainty about bringing people from another reality to his.
• Dynamic speaker with commanding presence, exploring non-physical reality.

22:48 Energy body, duality, and healing
• The relationship between energy body and physical body, suggesting that the energy body is a more refined version of the personality.
• The concept of male and female in the context of art time.
• The duality of consciousness is expressed in the energy body as male and female principles, with balance achieved through integration.

34:16 Extraterrestrial life and communication
• Evolution of energy body leads to balance of duality, integration of opposing energies.
• Occasional alien spaceships penetrate Earth's atmosphere, but it's rare.
• Alien communication devices are self-contained and independent, using aided telepathy to transmit and receive without radio waves.
• Alien technology operates without conventional fuel sources or storage.
• Entities from other realms interact with humans on Earth with increased organization.

47:13 Spaceships, big event, and Thor
• Near future events, potential geological change, and non-physical entities' increased attention to Earth.
• Friendly entity with good feelings towards Earth and people, known as "Thor" due to nickname given by speakers.
• Speaker 2 reconnected with a long-lost relative after giving up hope.
• Speaker 2 describes encountering a male presence that filled a space taller than it was wide, without any details.
• Speaker 2 describes encountering a male presence without details.

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