Pugnacious cat. Aggressive Canadian Sphynx cat.

1 month ago

A young Canadian Sphynx cat, accustomed to city life, moves to the countryside. There, he encounters three long-haired cats and frequently engages in fights with them. His aggressive behavior extends to other animals, including seven goats and a female cat. After a confrontation with a horse, his owners decide to keep him leashed to prevent further incidents.

Aggressive Canadian Sphynx cat
लड़ाकू कैनेडियन स्फिंक्स बिल्ली
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Chat Sphynx canadien bagarreur
قطة سفنكس كندية مشاكسة
যুদ্ধবাজ কানাডিয়ান স্পিঙ্ক্স বিড়াল
Gato Sphynx canadense briguento
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ਲੜਾਕੂ ਕੈਨੇਡੀਅਨ ਸਫਿੰਕਸ ਬਿੱਲੀ
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சண்டைபோடும் கனடியன் ஸ்பின்க்ஸ் பூனை
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