Regulatory Capture Exposed by Molly Kingsley

1 month ago

Molly Kingsley is a co-founder of UK advocacy group Us for Them Their articles can be found at
Their new YouTube channel is exposing the pandemic era recklessness and wrongdoing unreported by mainstream press.

In episode 1 of their video series EXPOSED Molly provides detail of regulatory capture in regards to pharmaceutical industry regulation in the UK. This standardised corruption is now seen across the western world.

New Zealand is similarly captured. Medsafe are funded by the pharmaceutical industry to the tune of 84%.

In the face of extreme harms occurring to the NZ population after the rollout of experimental and provably toxic injections, Medsafe's most recent Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee Meeting, held on 12 September 2024, documented this and nothing more:
"Reports of serious cases associated with vaccines were briefly outlined for the Committee.
The Committee did not consider any of the reports required further action."

For the sake of transparency, potential conflicts of interest of the committee members and meeting attendees should be made available for public scrutiny. Instead the meeting minutes document this and nothing more:
"Committee members submitted their Competing Interest Declaration forms to the Secretary. The Chair reminded the MARC members that in addition to competing interests disclosed in the declaration forms, members should declare competing interests at the commencement of discussion of any relevant agenda item.
There were no potential competing interests which were considered likely to influence the discussions or decisions of the MARC at this meeting."

This internal oversight without transparency seems open to the possibility of misrepresentation. Who exactly is it claiming that there are no health concerns worth following up in relation to adverse events following immunisation?

NZDSOS will continue to speak out about this evolving tragedy and the need for our systems to be reconstructed for the protection of all.

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