Girl Performs Various Tricks With Her Split Tongue

6 years ago

"I always wanted a split tongue. I had no idea I’d gain control. Acquired new talent." - says the girl in this video. The tongue splitting procedures may not be pretty to watch but the results of the tongue splitting are badass and rather sensual. This woman gives a whole new meaning to being tongue-tied. The video has gone viral very quickly as this body-modification enthusiast performs a variety of bizarre mouth acrobatics in the 53-second clip. The video shows the girl’s two tongue tips moving in different directions and rolling over each other and it’s a real tongue twister! Her two tips appear to work independently of each other as they dance around. Watch her perform the best party trick ever with her amazing split tongue!

Tongue splitting is a popular form of body alteration and often involves cutting the tongue centrally from its tip to as far back as the underside base. It generally takes up to two weeks to heal during which time the person may have difficulty speaking or eating and drinking. This girl created her look by cutting the central divide in her fleshy muscle - otherwise known as the median fibrous septum and now she has a whole host of new moves. After the tongue is split and the sides are healed, control over the individual sides can be gained with practice.

As we can see from the video, the two halves of the tongue can be raised up and down opposite each other, spread apart from the other half which makes the split quite apparent. A split tongue is an easy body modification to conceal with a little effort. Keeping the tongue in the mouth and the two halves pressed together when speaking can keep the split out of view. When the two sides are held together, it appears as though there is only a deep crevice in the center of the tongue.

We can ask ourselves what is the motivation behind this? Those who have split tongues say that it is because of the sensation, it enhances the kissing for the giver and receiver and it is challenging in a way that it makes one feel connected with or being in control of their body, testing the body's limits. Like all body modifications, it can be used to connect or identify with a specific group or to ward off those who would make quick undesired judgments based on appearance.

Playing with one’s tongue is clearly shown in the following video where the little show goes beyond the classical tongue curving. Many of us who have taken Biology 101 courses learn early on that the ability to roll or curl the tongue into a tube shape is genetically predisposed. That means, it’s inherited from one or the other (or both) parents. Very likely nobody watching this has ever seen a person force their tongue into such unnatural contortions. Her abilities are superior, but it looks like tongue dancing is a real category in the video world, populated with lots of examples. None of them come close to the nimble dexterity witnessed in the present video. That is one super agile tongue.

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