Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair w/ REVERSE Indian Club Swing

17 days ago

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The shoulder joint can be a very challenging area to keep healthy and strong. Many active and athletic people have succumbed to injury or pain over the years in the shoulder from overuse, heavy loads, muscle imbalances.

This REVERSE Indian Club Swing is a terrific way to safely target the shoulder rotator cuffs with light weight and a dynamic range of motion to optimize joint strength and mobility.

And frankly the rotator cuff is misunderstood by many. The shoulder is unlike ANY other joint in your body. It is mostly held in place by connective tissue, that being muscle, ligaments and tendons. That is why its range of motion is also unlike any other body part. You can move the arm in so many ways due to this unique area.

Besides the superficial deltoid muscles, the anterior, medial and posterior delts, the other FOUR muscles that are most important for overall shoulder integrity, strength and mobility are the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Major/Minor and Subscapularis....also known as the SITS muscles. Of course the Latissimus Dorsi muscles are also a huge stabilizer for the shoulder but not necessarily a part of the shoulder.

Definitely give this indian club reverse swing a try, stick with a 2-lb indian club, listen to Coach Zach's instructions and you will help maintain good shoulder joint health.

#1 Method to UNLOCK Tight Hips:

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