"Just following orders" Wasn't a Justifiable Defense for Nazi War Criminals Revisited

1 month ago

The asshole who allowed 20 million illegal aliens into our country including 10’s of thousands of violent criminals and terrorists now says he was just following orders!

"Just following orders" didn't help Nazi war criminals, and it shouldn't make a difference with this war criminal, either. Let them all hang together.

Alejandro Mayorkas appears to throw Biden's inner circle under the bus for not allowing him to secure the border, says "decisions are made" and people just carry them out.

4 years of irreversible damage and he decides to speak up now.

"People have different views on what the correct policies should be, what the correct operational measures should be. Those disagreements, those different views are voiced."

"Decisions are made, and then everyone marches in unity together. That is the nature of a large organization, and the government is no different."

Remember what I have said in the past about hanging?
Google "Nuremberg Trials" if you have forgotten history.
Let's get something straight once and for all. Bill Gates and his cohorts are guilty of crimes against humanity. They deserve a total new set of trials because their actions violate the Nuremberg Code.

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