2 months ago

You seem to be operating under some misconceptions about the Federal Reserve. Who, exactly, runs and owns this institution? Is it a part of the U.S. government, or is it a separate entity that simply uses the word "federal" in its name, much like FedEx?

Those individuals you reference may have been more intelligent in certain ways, but they were also outlaws, not lawmakers. They did not go through the same compulsory education systems that shape the thinking of modern generations. This contrast is evident when comparing the language and perspectives found in World War I letters versus contemporary digital communication.

The core issue here is that many people today are largely ignorant of their own history. They uncritically accept what they were taught in public schools, never questioning those narratives. As a result, they have become domesticated, dependent beings - utterly reliant on electricity, gasoline, government, and constant connectivity via cellular phones. They are ruled by ego and emotion rather than reason.

This state of affairs is profoundly concerning, and I suspect many will come to regret their lack of historical awareness and self-sufficiency in the not-so-distant future. Alas, overcoming such ingrained biases and habits will be a significant challenge.

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