Democrats Now Embrace Obama's Idea of 57 States

1 month ago

Remember when Barack Obama was mocked while running for president in 2008 for thinking there were 57 states? Commentators at the time pointed out he probably made this absurd error because it might have been because there are 57 Islamic states in the world. Well, rather than being embarrassed by the notion of 57 states in the USA, Democrats have now seem to have EMBRACED the idea that there are 57 states in the union. And it isn't just loon on the street corner claiming he (or she) is a Democrat and screaming into the wind that there are 57 states. It is someone (although a leftwing loon) who is now running for Chair of the national Democrat party who is absurdly claiming there are 57 states, namely one Ben Wikler the Chair of the Democrat party of Wisconsin. He makes this claim of 57 states by watering down the whole definition of states by including D.C. and U.S. territories as states to get to Obama's magic number of 57 states. It sort of make sense since Democrats hate the whole idea of states since they favor a centralized system of government run from Washington, D.C. and not our federal form of government consisting of sovereign states as laid out in the Constitution.

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