4 Exercises to Stop Shoulder Ache & Restore Strength

11 days ago

FREE Jump Ropes: http://www.criticalbench.com/growth/jumpropegiveaway

Training shoulders SHOULD be a favorite muscle group to train, but many people skip out on shoulders completely due Injury or Pain.

Coach Zach is going to show you some exercises to stop shoulder aches and begin to restore shoulder strength

Start by making sure the shoulders are warmed up before jumping into any exercises. Once warmed up the cables are a great place to start working the shoulder joint through a full range of motion.

This session incorporates a lot of scapular stability, posterior deltoid, and external rotator strengthening. These are commonly weak areas that can be associated with Pain and Shoulder Instability.

The answer to Pain isn't Avoidance, its MOVEMENT. Movement is Medicine.

Another great way to Move, Burn Fat, and increase Speed/Agility is with a FREE Jump Rope! http://www.criticalbench.com/growth/jumpropegiveaway

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