Webinar - Combat Readiness and the future of drones and cyber warfare.

25 days ago

PTS Webinar on National Preparedness focuses on the future of combat readiness and the role of drones and cyber warfare. Drones are being used in the ongoing Ukraine and Middle East battles. In the U.S., drone sightings are causing a stir and much speculation. This webinar fields questions about drones and cyberwarfare based on open-source research and experience.
In conclusion, for a future-ready defense, the U.S. military has to work to perfect jamming and laser-disabling technology against drones and be proactive against cyberwarfare.

Mr. Sanford is a U.S. Navy veteran who served four years with the CIA. Ms. Votrobek has a degree in International Relations and has worked in security services for over seven years.

Join us for the next Webinar on February 12th, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. Global Leadership: Can the U.S. broker a peaceful end to the Ukraine war?

Please see Sr. analyst Laurence Sanford's Peace Through Strength article on our website at www.ascf.us. Please subscribe to our newsletter for updates on our monthly Webinars and survey polls, as well as our articles and podcasts.

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