Oligarchy Malarkey: Kevin O'Leary Silences CNN's Biden Apologists With Truth About Biden's Wealth

1 month ago

Posted • January 17, 2025: President Joe Biden gave his farewell address Wednesday, warning of the dangers of a burgeoning oligarchy in America. Of course this rang hollow with people who’ve been paying attention to Biden’s five decades in government. Biden owes his presidency and his current millions to people of wealth and power. Seems a tad hypocritical. 🔥 Kevin O’Leary drops truth nuke on CNN panel defending Biden’s “oligarchy” warnings: "Half the country is still wondering how Joe Biden got rich. How did he get rich?" No one on the panel wanted to answer. "We have we have Trump coming and all the bad things about concentration of wealth. Americans appreciate the ability to pursue the American dream every day. And we do not push down on success ever. So yes, Musk is rich. So what? Zuck? I don't think rich. Everybody else comes to this country almost drowning in rivers or getting cut under barbed wires to get in here to pursue their dream."

"Why do we ever think that we should bash their success?" - “Half the country is still wondering how Joe Biden got rich. How did he get rich?" -- It’s funny how quickly Biden’s apologists on CNN changed the subject when O’Leary finished his point. His question is rhetorical, because anyone with critical thinking skills knows exactly how the guy got rich. CNN doesn't want to go there, of course. He rightly posed the question as a reminder, knowing they wouldn’t dare touch it. They of course pivoted as fast as possible. He's trying to make the brain dead think. And good luck with that. 😁 It’s interesting there was no ‘oligarchy’ talk from Biden when Kamala was running for president and had roughly 30 more billionaires backing her than President Trump did. Biden didn’t get rich being a good public servant, just like the ‘journalists’ on the panel didn’t get rich reporting the news. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Oligarchy Malarkey: Kevin O’Leary Silences CNN’s Biden Apologists with Truth About Biden’s Wealth

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