Lead Designer of Starcraft2 David Kim called me a liar. I haven't lied in 21 years.

8 hours ago

This is a good video for anyone who wonders why Starcraft2, Storm Gate or Battle Aces failed.

David Kim is not a good game designer, and he got really caught trying to cover up liberals not hiring Christians or Jews in video gaming. He picked out one or two guys out of 5000 employees to say I'm wrong, but anyone with a head on their shoulders has heard liberals rant how much they hate Christians. I saw that way back in the 90s with atheists at Carnegie Mellon when I wasn't even a Christian.

Liberals will randomly say,"Christians are the biggest problem on Earth." and go on unhinged rants.

The whole story of Blizzard denying me work and passing me over for more less experienced employees is here: https://rumble.com/v4vo79o-destination-iron-iv.-loser-q-1-world-starcraftbroodwardiablo2starcraft2c-an.html

Banned on linkedin for talking about discrimination at Blizzard: https://rumble.com/vpe3in-banned-on-linkedin-for-complaining-about-liberal-discrimination-in-tech-aga.html

Unity3d corporate employees openly targeting me and hating me due to me being religious even though I don't bring it up: https://rumble.com/v3jzj04-i-have-a-lot-of-evidence-of-a-unity-discrimination-hate-case-against-christ.html

Schell games cancelled an interview finding I was Christian: https://x.com/JamesSager/status/1836462228486201643

I never got my first chance at work.

I'm no liar David Kim.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, "A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right". He also said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter".

Martin Luther King Jr. wouldn't get work at Blizzard, Activision or anywhere in Big Tech these days because of his religion.

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