We Should Deny Federal Contracts to Any Company That Also Takes Money From the CCP

1 month ago

01/15/2025 Trump's nominee for the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Russell Vought, was questioned by Senator Josh Hawley @HawleyMO during the confirmation hearing: Consulting firms like McKinsey, which receive massive military contracts from the federal government while also taking funds and conducting business with America's most lethal adversary, the CCP, pose significant risks. The Trump administration should refuse to sign federal contracts with any company that accepts funding from the CCP.
#CCP #FederalContracting #NationalSecurity #McKinsey #RussellVought
01/15/2025 川普提名的行政管理和预算局局长罗素·沃特在确认听证会上接受参议员乔什·霍利的质询:像麦肯锡这样的咨询公司,一方面从联邦政府获得巨额军事合同,另一方面又从美国最致命的对手中共那里获取资金并开展业务,这种行为存在重大风险。川普政府应拒绝与任何接受中共资金的公司签订联邦合同。
#中共 #联邦合同 #国家安全 #麦肯锡 #罗素·沃特

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