Marvin Gaye - What's Going On (2019 Official Video) | A Powerful Reaction🔥

1 month ago

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Today, I listen to a recommendation from one of my amazing supporters, MamaD: Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On" (Official Video 2019). I haven't listened to Marvin Gaye in so long, and this track took me on an emotional journey. This isn't just a reaction channel; I share what I feel and think from the music, and this song opened up so many thoughts about society and humanity.

We've come so far as humans but, in some ways, remain stuck in the same struggles. We're so connected that we disconnect, and while we have so much, we often lack a deep connection with ourselves. This song made me reflect on how much we could change if we taught emotions and self-awareness from an early age—how to navigate our inner world and respond to life's challenges with grace and understanding.

The music is incredible, and it remains just as relevant today as when it was first released. Thank you, MamaD, for this recommendation—it was powerful and much needed. Marvin Gaye truly created timeless music that speaks to the soul!

#marvingaye #whatsgoingon #reactionvideo #soulmusic

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