International Public Notice: More British "Federal" Lies and Abuses Based on Semantics

1 month ago

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Article 5220 Video - International Public Notice: More British "Federal" Lies and Abuses Based on Semantics - Thursday, January 16, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

No need for a "new" American Public Trust.

Our country has always had an American Public Trust --- E Pluribus Unum, Unincorporated, issued in 1776, has never been overcome or rescinded or replaced by anyone or any organization having standing to take any such action.

Likewise, the First Articles of Confederation issued in 1777, have never been rescinded; no such action was necessary, because the transfer of delegated powers necessitated by the adoption of The Constitution of the United States of America (British Territorial Subcontractor) was direct.

The Second Articles of Confederation issued in 1781 to different entities entirely, were eventually rescinded in order to make possible the transfer of delegated duties from the States of America to the Federal Republic doing business under The Constitution for the united States of America ---- again, a separate entity.

These shameless Bounders are once again misrepresenting what happened in the War of 1812 and have institutionalized fraud on a grand scale.

The "Treaty" of 1812 now being referenced, was another sea treaty, not a land treaty; the British never took our flag, nor was the Title IV Flag surrendered. When the day dawned, our flag was still flying over Fort McHenry and the British warships never made landfall.

Pretty damned hard to capture a flag from a fort without stepping foot on the land or soil.

So just another example of self-interested "rewriting" of actual history by the British con artists and liars.

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