701Nation - Episode #31 - Jan 16th, 2025 POWERED BY LAUER AUTO REPAIR - GunsAndThe701.com

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701Nation - Episode #31 - Jan 16th, 2025 POWERED BY LAUER AUTO REPAIR - GunsAndThe701.com

In the chamber for the stream👇🏻

1. How long do gun barrels last?
2. Gun ownership rates in the U.S.
3. How air temp changes bullet trajectory.
4. Happy ending chronicle!
701 Nation powered by:
Lauer Auto Repair, Bismarck ND.

Anvil Brand LLC, Bismarck ND.
Bloodline Kinetics, Bismarck ND.
Mandan Sporting Goods, Mandan ND.
Little Angry Man Arms, Trail City SD.

Thanks for your support! JD


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