Sabbath Message (Audio) for 19/11/47/120 - 18/01/2025

1 month ago

Sabbath 19/11/47/120

Dear Friends

Today is the Third Sabbath of the Eleventh Month. We are in the process of studying the Introduction to the Koran and the foundation of Islam. Last week we studied Q001C regarding the Myths and Fabrications of and about Islam and the videos on the entire Islamic Introductory series are at the Rumble site at Today we are about to Study Q001D concerning the Chronology of the Koran Part II: Becca and the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs. This is the story of the Rashidun or Rightly Guided elements of the Early Church in Islam and what they did and how they were undermined as were the Christian Churches in Europe from the Sun and Mystery Cults operating from Rome. The reason we are studying these aspects in Islam is to understand what is to occur over the next few months and years from the Middle East. WWIII will spread around the world as a result of the genocidal insanity of Shia Islam and the Ayatollahs in Iran and their pawns in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and the Yemen.

The Shia forces are obsessed with the eradication of Israel and its obliteration in Palestine and indeed around the world. So also, are many of the nations of the Hadith in the Sunni systems. The Shia nations in Lebanon in Hezbollah are now being supported and reinforced by China, and Russia is doing what it can to support Syria but that is collapsing.

The defence systems in Syria which enabled Iran to supply Hezbollah and Hamas have now been destroyed and Israel is able to strike directly at Iran. The Iranian Armed Forces have recently declared, and shown from an underground storage system, that they have a massive missile storage complex. It was from that underground system that they addressed their capacity to strike and pursue their objectives. The ICBMs stored there were truly impressive. The prophecies will not allow Iran to eliminate Israel, and the Messiah will be here soon to ensure that it does not happen.

Russia is also reaching a point of frustration, and the Chiefs of Staff are urging Putin to escalate the forces in the Ukraine and that may well cause the intrusion of NATO and thus WWIII. China is about to invade Taiwan and that will escalate into regional conflict also. We should also look at the text Purim in the Last Days (F017iii).

The weak and stupid behaviour of the ALP among its Cabinet Officers has been disgraceful due to its appeasement of Islamic Anti-Jewish activities and its votes on the floor of the UN have been a betrayal of its allies and will come back to bite them.

In the following week we will look at the massive Global Warming Fraud and the coming Millennial Warm Period in the text at The Millennial Warm Period and Satan's Fraud (No. 218D) and there is also a video on those topics at the Rumble link above. It is important that we act to prevent these Global Warming Scams and that we move to vote these Marxist Globalists out of office. The crimes we now see in operation and the scandalous conduct of our scientists on the Man Made Warming gravy train is simply unacceptable. Global Warming is inevitable; however, it is not man-made. It will get worse until the Messiah and the Host arrive.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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