Witness Statement: Part 5 of 9 - The Motives

1 month ago

The Greatest Crimes in Australia’s History – The Story is Confronting.
The full documentary addresses all Australian Police, State and Federal, and calls on them to identify and investigate alleged crimes and pursue prosecution of the offenders, without fear or favour. This is part 5 of 9.
The film outlines numerous facts supported by indisputable data and evidence, of alleged criminal actions perpetrated on the people of Australia through the approval, promotion, mandating and injection of Covid-19 vaccines.
Click following link to view other parts of the documentary:
Link to the full documentary:
Link to Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sxc9HdouvvtC9mlbvCYOslJiyjFJJIHx/view?usp=drive_link


12. https://www.health.gov.au/topics/covid-19/about

13. https://www.science.org/content/article/nih-lifts-3-year-ban-funding-risky-virus-studies

14. https://www.gpmb.org/docs/librariesprovider17/default-document-library/annual-reports/gpmb-2019-execsum-annualreport-en.pdf?sfvrsn=660402fa_28

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